Quote Originally Posted by crunch View Post
Thanks for your balanced input Bailey
Just to answer a few of your questions with facts

1. There is no new revenue stream for MSNZ in this. It is actually a continuation of the current COD system that's been around since the 90's
2. Old classes such as Sports Sedans as you mention; all run to a set of regs. These are on the MSNZ database and are whats used to determine if a vehicle meets the requirements. When that car has run in difeerent configurations under different sets of rules, then the COD owner picks a period that the car represents.
3.The COD panel makes it's decisions based on point 2 above and regularly seeks input fro people with expertise in certain areas, or with certain vehicles.
4. Hope your day gets happier!


Oh; and number 5 Bailey...
If you read the detail MSNZ is looking at actually giving you some money back via a cheaper HISTORIC race licence and HISTORIC RACE PERMIT.
Is it still dribble?