Well, seeing as we keep on about lost cars..
I have now in my possession/custody a Buckler 90. Research so far has the following suppositions.
It is an English chassis car, so one of the first 5 90s.
It has a red moulded body, according to Bruce Sutcliffe, "Le Patron" of Buckler, there were only 3 of that color.
It is probably the first car which Ferris de Joux owned.
My request to the membership. Does anyone have any programmes for Ardmore which show Ferris as either owner or driver of a Buckler? Or any other documentation relating?
It is my aim to have this in a useable state by the next Roycroft trophy meeting the week after Easter next year.
I suspect it ran an 1172cc motor in period, so help in finding any of that stuff would be appreciated too.
A rebuild diary will be coming!