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I've been really looking forward to posting this next batch of photos from the incredible Bruce Wells collection, simply because these are all from the charismatic little Hume Weir circuit near Albury. This neat little track has a downhill start/finish straight that leads to a right hand kink, followed by a tight right hand hairpin. Later in the lap, the track runs alongside itself in either direction, passing through a dug-out in a hill over which is a overpass. You can see this section in the opening photo above.

John Goss once described the first part of the lap in the 1976 book Evan Greens World Of Motorsport, heading through through the first kink and into the tight right hand hairpin as this: "The start at Hume Weir is slightly downhill. At the end of the straight there's a kink to the right and then downhill again into an absolute hairpin amongst trees. I can remember seeing drivers go out of my vision to the left and next lap around, they've been parked way out in the trees and I've wondered how they've got among so many trees without knocking their car to pieces. Remarkable parking".

This Hume Weir section shows action from both 1962, and 1964, kicking off first with 1962, at a meeting from December that year.