Now we are getting into the heavy stuff..........'.re ignite memories and joy of a time that was freeer, more alive, exciting and innovative.......sigh !!!!! We as enthusiasts of course can recognise all this, and keeping things as they were is important. Unfortunately, the great unwashed public who spectate at these events dont know, or care, whats under the skin, or even the skin itself. I had a fella come up to me at Hampton Downs and suggested that I put BIGGER wheels on the Mini, as this would make the car go faster!!!!! As you can imagine my response was not very polite. So we say, stuff the spectators, we know we are doing the right thing, but there is a big temptation to improve performance by what ever means, to make the car look good in competition with others, and you mention poly bushes and electronic ignition as examples. I get pissed off when I am lapped by 300hp Escorts, for instance, so perhaps this new classification started by HMC with pre 78 over 3000cc and pre 78 under 3000cc will work better than a decade system. I'm not convinced, but we will see.It sounds as though regs are much tougher in Australia....... maybe you have a lot more cars to choose from, and it could get that way here, but at the moment encouragement rather than discouragement should be the order of the day.