I too have been to all three festival events, I have been invited to apartments also, and as far as I can tell, all the invited apartment guests had paid to get into the track. No one with a hint of petrol in their veins can go to the apartments and not go closer to the action. Imagine not having the apartments. The track would be in a wilderness of the north waikato. Zero ambience.

Tony and Chris have done a stunning job, but there is still a way to go. Custaxie50 has some valid points. It's about entertainment for the widest possible audience. The dates do clash with a lot of other auto activities, Kumeu show and the drags to name two .

The BMW event was the poor cousin to the first two, festivals, but I say that as a common V8 lover. No doubt the German marque lovers were very happy, and I guess they paid one way or another.

Our biggest hurdle is the lack of population, pure and simple, and the average mans income. all things considered we (NZ) do spectacularly well. A Canadian friend here a couple of years ago could not believe the amount of racing happening on the weekend he was here, and the TV coverage it got.

Lets make the "Denny Hulme" one to make the world sit up and take note of. Just think of all the Can Am cars that will be here
