this is what i was told on friday,after i asked about the custaxie. I was told it would be here this weekend but was told later on there was some thing up with it,i went on saturday and was told that the driver did not want to go by the rules set down for racing the car.He wanted to race by his rules,i understand he wanted to remove the rollcage that is in it and put what was in it in 1967 and was told if you do that you can not race.So it looks like the car will not race again if he wants to go by his rules we all know how the car was built. but the one thing that is on my mind is-is there a loop over the drive shaft just in case the shaft lets go ,if you take a hard look at the old car that raced in 1967 and allmost all that raced allso in 1967 you would by todays standard say how unsafe they were,because when i had a look on the old car there was not one there and could not see where one had been ,so if this was the way it was and still is just think about it,new driveshaft tunnel made out of light aluminium and screwed to the new floor, say the car was been raced and the driveshaft lets go at 140mph what would the driver look like when the car came to a stop,i think the new owner should have a look see at that before he wants to take the rollcrage out