Quote Originally Posted by Rod Grimwood View Post
The only way that will happen is when you remove the word 'race" and replace with demonstration. Even then some demo's go wrong.
Rod, Gerald, its a numbers game, do enough racing and somethings bound to happen. At the festival i talked to each individual to express my thoughts on why we are here at this great event!! i did see dump things on track but otherwise was pretty happy!! In 7 years of racing my Boss i've only had two hits both in the RH door and both times the dent pop out, offcourse when I've had/seen known culprits come up apond me i lift of the gas a little and gently pull aside and let them go by, a corner or two later they're usually stuck in the sand trap!! and the reason myself and others have stop racing in some of the other class's/events was the "Probability" was getting too high to be worth the risk! time to move on.

Dale Mathers