Quote Originally Posted by Dave Silcock View Post
Thats really interesting Stu, PD always told me that his father in law only bought land with trees on it as he reckoned if it would grow trees it would grow anything. In true pioneering fashion he then cut them down and grew grass. He always refered to his father as Walter prhaps an Anglicised version of Werner. He had tales of he and his mother flying across the Pacific in the flying boats and stopping each night at a smart hotels on thier trips home to NZ.
Hey Stu I'm not sure if this is the place to post this but some time ago you posted a photo of my MK2 on the spectator banking at Bay Park. The reason for this indiscretion was that I had a very good start and was right there on the first lap , Paul Fahey got a bit wide on the exit to the start finish straight and knocked a bit of wood off the fence. This I tried to avoid and got into a bit of a slide. now real blokes don't back off in these circumstances, especially when your only 27 years old. So I ended up on the spectator bank, but worse was to come as my Mother was on same banking and even as you shot the picture was descending the stand with her skirt hoisted round her knees crying out'' thats my boy'' now you can see why I was in such a huury to leave the scene. I will also add that my Wife has also chosen to use that shot as the screen saver on my part of her computer , thanks mate