Incredible photos Wal, thanks for posting. I guess your camera made it home then? Did the Ford F3L in the last post race, or was it just on display?
Incredible photos Wal, thanks for posting. I guess your camera made it home then? Did the Ford F3L in the last post race, or was it just on display?
Not sure if it ran Steve. I was surprised to see it there and thought you might like a photo.
We all have our favourite cars. There is something about the V6 Dino that does it for me
The Pedal Cars on show this year for the first time were a great hit. Proud fathers escorted there kids to the start line, but what people didn't know was that there had beeen mechanics toiling away fine tuning the machinery. This one was having its brakes removed and all the bearings loosend and lubricated.
Last edited by Wal Will; 10-11-2012 at 05:42 AM.
Smacks of the P class daddy and Karting fathers!
And there is always the theater in the back gound. A couple of Rollers lurk in the desert.
The pedal cars were a great addition. Do they still make these or were they originals that had been restored?
As far as I understand these were all restored originals. I spoke to many 'older' people who were there who said that they were very popular when they were 'kids'. Following the popularity at Goodwood I am sure it won't be long before they are recreated. Maybe someone here in New Zealand recalls them being sold new here.
Made very well out of 'pressed steel' components I am sure that they would have been quite expensive back when they were new. The drivers got quite willing with a few incidents at the Chicane, and what added to the spectacle was that under the car you could see the speed at which small legs were pedaling.
Some of us are old enough to remember these! Also the similar ones carted round to schools for road traffic training, I know for absolute sure that some of us learned that Stop signs were hrd to achieve if you are trying!
Oh the dear old J40.
Heres one I took a couple of photos of last year. The guy that owned it ended up getting it for free, from memory, many years ago. It was missing several parts, so he fitted vintage go-kart parts instead.
The challenge now is to find a few of these. Whoops their value might have just gone up.
Last edited by Wal Will; 10-12-2012 at 09:13 AM.
You can build these J40s from scratch with all parts available :
Thanks for that Roger. I have just visited the site. I had no idea of their history - nice story.
My camera did not have the best zoom, but here is Wal driving Jay's Chinook and fellow Kiwi Roger Wills in his McLaren M1b on the victory lap. Out of shot was Whitsun trophy winner Gary Pearson in the ex Jim Boyd Cambridge Cigarette livered Lola T-70.
Having the top 3 cars of that race, each having a NZ connection was awesome to see on the other side of the world.