Do you know I could hardly brush my teeth last night, I was laughing so much thinking about Roger. But hey arent the bike boys a bit like that, a bit different, a bit of rebel in there, and they sure as hell arent BORING. Ok,a bit of lateral thinking there, now back to the yards. Tony Shelly's place in Wellington another of our yards with motorsport connections. Tony used to team up with Ray Archibold and do the long distance events in the Jaguar. My only involvement with Tony was in 1977 when I was selling my 1966 MK2 3.8 Jaguar and had advertised it as being the last 3.8 imported into NZ. Tony rang me to question my claim and pointed out that it was in fact HE who had the last MK2....that is before the 240 and 340. I asked him to lookup the ownership papers and check when the car had been first registered in NZ, and he came back with 10th December 1966. I told him as diplomaticly as I could that my car had been first registered on the 31st December 1966......couldnt get much later than that. The car, a black 3.8 on wires was a special order for Harvey Hingston in New had no overdrive and a high-ratio diff....apparently Harvey distrusted O/D gearboxes. The whole thing has come a complete circle as the current owner has the car in Lyall Williamsons International Motorsport garage having among other things, an overdrive fitted. You cant win. Just as an aside, Harvey was principle at Opunake [I think] school, and as a dentention used to get the kids to clean the chrome wire wheels!!!!! Some punishment, and better than writing out 100 times 'I must not swear at the teacher'. Buy the way, the personised plates ...67 fitted to the car are incorrect. It is a '66 model. Its original plate was....FF52. Now, why would anyone want to change from a black plate, on a black car with that distinctive number to one of those terrible white things, and yes, I do know who the culprit was and he should have known better! Another car I should never have sold. Unfortunately I got more speeding tickets in that car than all the rest put together, so I just got pissed off and Jerry Clayton took it off my hands for some miserable figure...$5,750. Storey of my life, selling things too soon.