Pretty sure thats Clyde Collins in the PDL Falcon behind Fahey. Re the engine in the Fahey Mustang during this first season, it was my understanding that it had a 302. However, a war of words erupted a few years ago in Classic Driver magazine after a story on Fahey was published, and in which Fahey was quite critical of Lyall Williamson, who was in charge of the PDL Racing team, that Fahey sold the Mustang to after this season. In one of the letters, Lyall suggested Fahey raced the car in the 1971 season (as in the picture above featuring Beechey) with a 6 litre motor, when the maximum engine capacity for the NZ Saloon Car Championship was only 5.5 litres. Fahey then came back and pointed out he never actually raced the car in any NZSCC races that season. Take from that what you will.