Quote Originally Posted by Grant Ellwood View Post
Larry was a hard case Aussie with a gravelly voice caused by an over enthusiastic marshall at Oran Park firing an extinguisher down Larrys throat after he had crashed an F2 car. Years later and back in Takanini he asked me to help him repossess a car somewhere in the hills near Clevedon (at night-time). We stopped some distance from the customers house and sneaked up in the dark. I asked Larry why we needed stealth and he said the SOB had threatened to shoot him if he tried the repo (gee thanks mate for that news). Peering through the windows we noticed a family eating dinner and leaning against the wall near the nearest door was a shotgun. Larry calmly wandered in, picked up the gun and said to the owner 'you weren't really going to use this on me were you?"

Lots of Larry stories like that I could share, many unrepeatable on a respectable site like RS though!
Ha ha ha, brilliant story Grant! As far as this site being respectable is concerned, screw that, start posting more of those stories. Thats what this place was built for!