Duh, I feel silly over this oversight.You are right Gerard, I remember Clyde racing it at the time.My only excuse for this senior moment was that I was thinking about Coupes.I have a high opinion of Clyde in any car he drove and my apologies on this oversight.Also there were XU1s being built up with v8s. Ron Sylvester built 2 Monaros , one for him the other for Steve Dymond. Grant tells me one ended up at the dirt track , the other disappeared.My own fascination with the Monaro was that friends and families had them so they were a real family car at the time.Not many Mustangs, Firebirds, Camaros around then.As a teenager you could look at your neighbours road driving Monaro ,dream of Beechey and Thomson, and know there was a Q ship waiting to happen.Gerard ,you are more than welcome to come round the see this car which is actually in quite good condition