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Thread: Photos: The Gerard Richards Collection - Part 1

  1. #181
    On the thread "Where have all the breadvans..." post #16 by Javman. It says "Paratutu Road races 1965", this is the Nazer car, so is this another person who is "wrong" or is the info being given perhaps erroneous?
    GPBK, I don't think that people are treating your input as wrong, just that most people tend to substantiate their opinions whereas you have made a bald statement and we would like to know why you are able to be so certain. (Welcome)
    Last edited by Oldfart; 12-09-2012 at 03:15 AM.

  2. #182
    No it was definitely !966 I have the written proof from all that I have said from the race reports from that weekend ,plus I was part of the action there actually doing it ,I was there on the spot not too far away from Jack,Barry Phillips etc,and racing against them my memory is not that bad ,old story do you want to listen to someone that was there or believe a whole lot of may have been's sorry folks I have got more to do with my life than be questioned on stuff which I have given proof of,and just for the record GPBK might be a lot closer to one of the issues on here than a lot of the folks on here think,I am a bit disappointed with the way this forum has gone ,I came back here in good faith to support Steve with something he wanted to know and gave him the answer's and the proof to back it up,but I'm out of here ,I will continue to support Steve but how he uses the info will be up to him
    Last edited by bob homewood; 12-09-2012 at 05:22 AM.

  3. #183
    Quote Originally Posted by bob homewood View Post
    No it was definitely !966 I have the written proof from all that I have said from the race reports from that weekend ,plus I was part of the action there actually doing it ,I was there on the spot not too far away from Jack,Barry Phillips etc,and racing against them my memory is not that bad ,old story do you want to listen to someone that was there or believe a whole lot of may have been's sorry folks I have got more to do with my life than be questioned on stuff which I have given proof of,and just for the record GPBK might be a lot closer to one of the issues on here than a lot of the folks on here think,I am a bit disappointed with the way this forum has gone ,I came back here in good faith to support Steve with something he wanted to know and gave him the answer's and the proof to back it up,but I'm out of here ,I will continue to support Steve but how he uses the info will be up to him
    I know how you feel Bob. the problem is they have an ans. before they have finished reading

  4. #184
    Don`t give up that easily Bob, just because some tool wants to question your knowledge or judgement. You have probably forgotten more about motor racing than some of these clowns have ever done, so your input is a lot more valuable to us than some tossers total ignorance.

    Steve Elliott.

  5. #185
    Calm down guys, I was probably not thoughtful, in the way that I asked the question, however I was really asking why a photographer, apparently at the time (according to the poster) would be a year out, but we do have plenty.
    Steve thanks for implying that I am a tosser in total ignorance.
    Last from me.

  6. #186
    Steve E-this is not good etiquette to call people tools and tossers on these threads.
    All of us contribute to this by writing or reading.
    The rules are to respect people whether you respect their views or not

  7. #187
    John, I find it bloody difficult to tolerate the apathy of people who want to question someone like Bob Homewood, when a) he does know what he is talking about, b) he is of the era that most of the NZ topics on here are about, and finally the whole basis of some of these threads rely on the `older generation' to help resolve some of the more difficult questions asked.
    Don`t worry about me, from now on I`m going to be a reader rather than a writer. The ironic thing is that Steve Holmes set up this website for the benefit of ALL its members, and from that people obviously learn more about various subject matter as a thread develops. What some people don`t respect is a persons KNOWLEDGE and that is what gives me the shits.

  8. #188
    Just calm down. Is it really so critical to have every idea anatomically-correct when you're dissecting yarns about something that happened nearly 50 years ago ? It's just a discussion, which at times has differing viewpoints, no more and no less. Nothing personal, and certainly no need for the rather high rate of dummy-spitting which has been evident lately. Now can we get back to the guts of things on here, which is the continually-surprising uncovering of more and more gems from the glory years of NZ's motorsport history, from the backs of drawers, cupboards and cardboard storage boxes. Keep 'em coming !

  9. #189
    Come on guys lets all settle a bit. Yes I agree Steve E about all you say about Uncle Bob, and as others have said, maybe things are not worded properly sometimes, so if we all sit back and have a look, think, and sometimes aknowledge that all is not what is wrtten in black and white we can all get back on the horse and do what this is all about, Sharing, enjoying, and if need be directing, correcting what people believe in the right direction. But lets all do it with respect.
    Remember our minds are working overtime to remember most of this, some of it is like yesterday, some of it seems a very along time ago.
    We are so lucky in that we have some very gifted minds to remind us, as in (most ex) reporters, racers, mechanics, officials, enthusiasts, and most of all the dictionaries of motoring and motorsport world wide, all of who we are lucky to have onboard.

    Ok lets resume as normal.

    PS I had written this before the previous post had been read.

  10. #190
    Oldfart: I apologise for my comments on the basis that I haven`t got the right to bag someone on here. Like Bob Homewood, both my father and my father in law Barry Pointon, have a wealth of knowledge regarding a lot of these topics, but unfortunately they aren`t going to be around forever. If someone says `no, it was this or that' accept what they say, and move on. As GD66 and Rod have stated, this whole forum is for all our enjoyment and benefit, and I for one really enjoy some of the articles on here. Having the ability to look back with like minded people is far more beneficial to everyone than arguing with a select few. Enough said......

  11. #191
    Full noise PM sent
    Last edited by Oldfart; 12-09-2012 at 10:28 PM.

  12. #192
    Journeyman Racer
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    wilmington delaware
    I think the big picture here about this site is that we can revive old memories,discuss and learn things we did not know about "the good old days" I learned that Fahey raced the Anglebox without the "breadvan" effect, at Paritutu. For our technical guys on the site.was that addition to the cars really effective you think?

  13. #193
    There is always a reason for drivers to look for an edge.
    Back then there were not a lot of fastback cars to really compare data.
    Jack Nazer told me his car was absolutely faster with this modification, most noticeable at the top end-another 10 + m.p.h.
    I would consider that an effective edge.
    Have not asked him who or what influenced him.

    Old proverb-ask a man who owns one.
    Last edited by John McKechnie; 12-10-2012 at 01:41 AM.

  14. #194

    Barry Phillips Anglia

    Name:  barry phillips anglia.jpg
Views: 1103
Size:  20.5 KB
    I in no way wish to continue or inflame this discussion ,but seeing as Steve asked me for a answer and I have invested a lot of my time in it ,before I move on ,here is the Anglia race number No 101, Rego number CS6872 at Pukekohe a couple of months before it went to Mr Park , being driven by Barry Phillips ,and yes I have had a positive ID of it being Barry in the car ,so the car did go down the time line I suggested

  15. #195
    Name:  barry Phillips Lotus Cortina Paritutu 1966.jpg
Views: 1275
Size:  54.2 KB
    Barry Phillips Lotus Cortina Paritutu Labour Day 1966 ,and no he wasn't wearing no 86 the permanent race number system was a little bit down the track

  16. #196
    Name:  Paul Fahey Lotus Anglia Paritutu 1966.jpg
Views: 1209
Size:  43.5 KB
    Paul Fahey ,Lotus Anglia Paritutu 1966 ,if you look closely you can see the hay bale placement is identical to them in the Barry Phillips photo at the same spot ,no fast back on the car in this photo ,I don't know for sure but perhaps it made for better visibility on this tight circuit ,I did get to drive one of these with the fast back in testing at Levin at a later date and for me anyway I found that visibility was not good

  17. #197
    Bob, when have you ever looked in the mirror, except when you get out of the shower to do your hair after work before you head of to the water hole.

  18. #198
    Quote Originally Posted by bob homewood View Post
    Name:  barry phillips anglia.jpg
Views: 1103
Size:  20.5 KB... Barry Phillips ,and yes I have had a positive ID of it being Barry in the car ,so the car did go down the time line I suggested

    Indeed, nice work Bob. While you're on a roll, could you help us out by confirming/denying an id in post #56, on page 3 of the Brett Young Collection thread please mate ?

  19. #199
    Quote Originally Posted by GD66 View Post
    Indeed, nice work Bob. While you're on a roll, could you help us out by confirming/denying an id in post #56, on page 3 of the Brett Young Collection thread please mate ?
    GD 66 PM me with your exact question

  20. #200
    Sorry I've not been here to smooth this situation out sooner guys. One of our beautiful dogs, our big 8 year old Rhodesian Ridgeback named Oscar, is extremely ill at the moment. The vets found a massive tumour thats grown either from his spleen, or wrapped around it. They will need to open him up to find out if they can operate. Our dogs are a really important part of our family, they live inside the house with us, and because I work from home they're always with me. So its a pretty difficult time, and as a result I've completely taken my eye off the ball with work and this website. So I'm pleased to see you guys have managed to sort things out to some degree.

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