Quote Originally Posted by ERC View Post
WTF = Wot the flippin 'eck (Unless you are very much tongue in cheek...)
I still can't use the fingers of my left hand, so as I was contemplating what jobs I can still do on the car, I was wondering if I have permanently lost the use of that hand, whether or not I then have a claim against the MSNZ technical Department, as the "disability" was caused when dealing to the cage?

Russ, I am with you. The price on my head is also about a buck, as:

a) I have finished producing offspring
b) I have seen my grandchild
c) There is no F1 drive ahead
d) I have travelled the world
e) The mortgage is paid
f) There is little or no consultancy work anymore so obviously my expertise is no longer required

Personal safety is my choice and my choice alone, which is why I choose to wear gloves (optional) and a neck brace (optional), a two layer race suit rather than single layer (optional), and race cars with roofs rather than open wheelers (optional), on a circuit with barriers rather than gravel roads bounded by trees (optional), four wheels rather than two (optional), so I don't see why the thickness of just one piece of steel tube is of any importance whatever and certainly nothing to do with anyone else.
Go on Ray, you secretly desire the gravel road and trees scenario...I know, it is the ultimate test! BTW, remember the email you were going to send me we discussed last Saturday? Be good to get that asap.