Quote Originally Posted by Steve Holmes View Post
Hi Ellis, the three guys on the left are all related to the Historic Muscle Car group, they are: Dale Mathers, Mike Coory (who sponsored the class at the NZFMR) and Bruce Thompson, who had a couple of cool cars at the event on display including a newly acquired 1968 Shelby Team Trans-Am Mustang tribute car, plus the old T/G Racing built '69 Firebird built for the Trans-Am series and which ended up in NZ and raced by Rod Coppins.

The 5 guys on the right of the picture play a pretty important role in NZ motorsport history. They are: l-r: Paul Fahey, Ray Stone (Faheys long-time race mechanic/engineer), Leo Leonard, Dennis Marwood, Jim Richards.
Thanks Steve and Dale for the info. It helps to be able to put some up todate faces to the famous names.