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Thread: The Roaring Season Questionnaire: Please Read And Reply

  1. #61
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Auckland, North Shore
    With only 60 posts in total, several being multiples and one or two not so keen, I am not sure that there are sufficient responses to really make a subscription viable Steve. Even if 50 were positive, it's not going to recompense you for the time invested.

  2. #62
    Hi Steve I have had a lot of enjoyment out of the site, and would be happy to contribute. Regards Markson

  3. #63
    It seems to me Steve that once the site is viewed as a commercial enterprise (whether you actually make any money or simply recover some of your costs is irrelevant) the whole ethos will change. For example. any contributor, especially photography copyright holders might not unreasonably expect some payment as currently happens in the print media.

    One of the delightful aspects of TRS is the very ad hoc nature of it, ranging from some amazing and often previously undiscovered photos through the sober discussion and correction of historical detail to the whimsical reminiscing of "old time racing drivers" (come back Amco you need to update Yards and Yarns). Some forum readers are interested in all aspects, some in only their own particular narrow interest, either way it is a little community. I think there is a real danger that this will be lost should some kind of subscription be imposed.

    Advertisers or a commercial arm linked to the site would allow you some opportunity of cost recovery, albeit at the cost of more of your time but not at the risk of polluting or altering the very thing you have worked so hard to create.

    Of course, having argued against a formal subscription, I do suggest that you have a "donation box" attached to the site. I have no idea what the uptake would be but you just might find that the Anti Payment posters might just be the first contributors!

  4. #64
    World Champion
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Cambridge NI NZ.
    Howard, bless you for including me in that special breed.....'old time racing drivers' thats a big LOL!!!!!!! I would have thought that my antics at the Denny Hulme festival would have made it abundantly clear that I am not a racing drivers backside, old time or not.

    Now Yards and Yarns........I was going to crank it back into action but I cant find it on the General Discussion post anymore. How does one find a thread that has not run for a while, or maybe I just start a new one.......advice please.

    And while I'm at it, could I just say what a thoughtfully penned piece you wrote on the contributions or otherwise to the TRS.

  5. #65
    Hi Gerald, the program we use for this website has a 'search' function, which you can find on the right side of the page, towards the top, on the same block as the navigation tabs with the words 'Advanced Search' beneath it. You'll see a white box in which you can enter the key words you wish to search. Its not perfect, but will eventually find you what you're looking for. But here is the Yards And Yarns thread:

  6. #66
    Hello everyone, thanks all for taking the time to read through my opening post, and either replying your thoughts here or emailing me personally. Your responses have helped me make some decisions as to the future of the site. There is still much thinking and researching to be done, but this has at least answered some questions for me. But I just wanted to let you all know I've read through each and every post.

    Thanks again to you all for your replies.

  7. #67
    Hi Steve Count me in JAMIE A

  8. #68
    I should of course have also included amongst the roles TRS plays as being the "mast head" for race series such as HMC. I suspect that the extensive coverage here of HMC from its conception to Star of the Show at HD Denny Hulme has had a considerable influence on its success.

    I know that unlike some other series there is no series entry fee (so far) for HMC but its not too much of a stretch to see that race promotors could benefit enormously from the sort of coverage, encouragement and promotion that has occurred via TRS. Even less of a stretch to see those promotors contributing to TRS from their entry fees as the promotion is mutually advantageous.

  9. #69
    hi steve as i now live o/s i find that TRS is far more topical than any magazine that i might subscribe to.they say looking back only gives you a sore neck, well i do not object to pay for that privilage. you do a truly wonderful job in running this site. looking forward to being more involved in the future
    Kind regards,

  10. #70
    Thanks again you guys, I really appreciate it.

  11. #71
    Quote Originally Posted by Howard Wood View Post
    I should of course have also included amongst the roles TRS plays as being the "mast head" for race series such as HMC. I suspect that the extensive coverage here of HMC from its conception to Star of the Show at HD Denny Hulme has had a considerable influence on its success.

    I know that unlike some other series there is no series entry fee (so far) for HMC but its not too much of a stretch to see that race promotors could benefit enormously from the sort of coverage, encouragement and promotion that has occurred via TRS. Even less of a stretch to see those promotors contributing to TRS from their entry fees as the promotion is mutually advantageous.
    Howard, it amazes me that other historic racing groups aren't jumping on here and using this site to promote themselves. There are approx 6,000 visitors to the site each month, 160,000 page views, average time spent per visit is just over 7 minutes, and its growing every day. It costs nothing for clubs to be on here, telling everyone what they're up to, and ramping up enthusiasm, and yet HMC seems to be the only group that has made the effort to create its own thread and keep people up to speed with what they're doing. Most of the content on the HMC has been posted by Dale, and the thread has generated nearly 60,000 page views. And I'm sure its been of benefit to the group. Steve Elliott announced on the HMC thread in early January that he was taking his HMC Camaro out to Hampton Downs to run it for the very first time since purchasing it from the US. Despite the first test being on a Friday, quite a number of people who visit this site made the effort to get out to HD just to see the car!

    I've actually tried emailing a few historic racing groups to encourage them to jump on here and promote their clubs, and have been largely ignored.

  12. #72
    Is there a potential income stream from "hosting" other race series web sites for them? I notice the BMW series web site does not seem to be working. Last year it was a living breathing thing with photos updates etc etc, maybe with a change in race committee, there is no longer anyone there with the skills to do this (believe me I couldn't) and if so I bet they are not the only ones with that dilemma.

    3 things then happen: You at least get to share some costs, they have someone to run the site on an ongoing basis irrespective of the skills of the committee and a whole new group gets turned on to TRS.

  13. #73

  14. #74
    I am happy to pay whatever it takes!
    Maybe $50 pa so that the veiwer can open the photos - after the gos most people will veiw photos all night - paying a little will help the cause. The photos on here are very good and people all over the world will be downloading to add to their collections! make em pay a little!
    nb if you don't pay the $50 the photos will not show [can your system handle this Steve?]

  15. #75
    Hi Steve im in as long as it stays just like this

  16. #76
    Thanks again everyone for your replies and feedback. I really appreciate it. This direction for the site has required a lot of thinking and planning, and while there has been a good response here within this thread and through emails sent directly to me, there is still too much of a great unknown in venturing down this path, and for that reason turning The Roaring Season into a pay subscription site is not something worth taking a risk on. It may work, it may not, but I really don't have enough information to be able to confidently move the site in that direction, so will instead look to other means to keep it growing and trying to generate an income.

    Thanks again all who replied.

  17. #77

  18. #78
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Holmes View Post
    Thanks again everyone for your replies and feedback. I really appreciate it. This direction for the site has required a lot of thinking and planning, and while there has been a good response here within this thread and through emails sent directly to me, there is still too much of a great unknown in venturing down this path, and for that reason turning The Roaring Season into a pay subscription site is not something worth taking a risk on. It may work, it may not, but I really don't have enough information to be able to confidently move the site in that direction, so will instead look to other means to keep it growing and trying to generate an income.

    Thanks again all who replied.
    Hi Steve,
    I understand your trepidation in making the site 'pay-to-view'. Although many of us would be happy to pay, the fear is you could lose more than you gain. Even if only a small percentage of current members chose not to subscribe, the site would be poorer for their loss. However, I have an idea about how we could potentially raise some funding for The Roaring Season. I'll contact you direct regarding the idea.
    John (SPR Models)

  19. #79
    This has got to be the best motorsport wesite around and as has already been said no nastys or bitches here. A classic example of this site is the Trekka thread which was posted I would imagine a little tongue in cheek and has developed with a slightly humerous but at the same time very interesting thread with little snippets of information and stories that would never have come to light otherwise. If we as members of this site need to contribute to keep it going then lets do that. I am happy to pay to keep this site up and running. We as a group of enthusiasts cannot afford to loose this asset because once it has gone it will never happen again.

  20. #80
    While I`m 100% for supporting TRS, I think the commercial `incentive/contribution' scheme, while logical, is not going to cut the mustard. I am not knocking those who want to support the website, but mathmatically it doesn`t add up. What Steve needs is a chunk of money to keep the website viable on the basis of being able to support himself while running and progressing it. If you are going to advertise or benefit commercially then some different options/rates need to be established and quite a few businesses - including mine -can get on board. All I can say to those who don`t like the idea of paying a donation of $50.00 annually is turn it around the other way - would you do all this for very little return??? Enjoy life, enjoy everyones contributions, but most of all realise that you are enjoying the benefits of Steves hard work and dedication. Small price to pay really................

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