Quote Originally Posted by crunch View Post
Can I ask what you mean by zero support from MSNZ?
Not once in all the newsletters, either in print or electronically, has the Series ever really been recognised, encouraged, promoted or acknowledged, despite the massive levies paid over the years. If I have overlooked something, I am happy to be proved wrong.

Never an offer to partially pay for our TV coverage of a few seasons back, so we had to fund it all ourselves, not even $1,000. Yet because we can get decent numbers to our own meeting, we paid MSNZ $2,300 for just one meeting last year. If I totted up the total we have paid MSNZ over the years, just on race levies alone, I am sure it would be substantial.

Only you Crunch, representing MSNZ, but in more in a personal capacity, has ever accepted that not only one grid, but two grids, have been viable and contributed to Classic grids over the last few years in the north island.

At several meetings and particularly, prior to the emergence of the BMW series', we have often provided at least 40% of the levies at those one day meetings, but have we ever been thanked for our considerable contribution to the MSNZ coffers? No, but we do see a lot of push for anyone toeing the T & C and CoD line and vast sums promoting 9 car grids!

Or let me turn it around, what has MSNZ done specifically for the series over the last 17 years? (Or 27 if you include the 10 years under Donn White?)

Maybe this should now move to the ERC thread?