While I`m 100% for supporting TRS, I think the commercial `incentive/contribution' scheme, while logical, is not going to cut the mustard. I am not knocking those who want to support the website, but mathmatically it doesn`t add up. What Steve needs is a chunk of money to keep the website viable on the basis of being able to support himself while running and progressing it. If you are going to advertise or benefit commercially then some different options/rates need to be established and quite a few businesses - including mine -can get on board. All I can say to those who don`t like the idea of paying a donation of $50.00 annually is turn it around the other way - would you do all this for very little return??? Enjoy life, enjoy everyones contributions, but most of all realise that you are enjoying the benefits of Steves hard work and dedication. Small price to pay really................