At our drivers' briefing, I emphasise at just about every meeting, that because we are running handicap races, there are effectively two lines around any hairpin and if a faster car has caught you, let him go. Don't block and don't cut the corner.

To expand on the three strikes. First incident (driver at fault), a stern warning. Second incident, a suspenion. Third incident, permanent ban.

To date, I have only ever suspended one driver for the remainder of the season and that resulted in a much improved awareness from then on. There is no room for the Red Mist in classic racing. I have also banned a couple of visitors who asked to run with us and who didn't respect the clean driving rule.

I may be in a minority here, but 100% period accuracy means nothing if the driver thinks he's a stock car pilot. Equally, I am happy to turn a blind eye to a minor car irregularity or even illegibiity, if the driver respects the driving standards.