Quote Originally Posted by ERC View Post
As posted elsewhere. That is that probably 80% of the clubs voting only represent 20% of the active members. As long as that situation is in place, we are never going to get either the representation we need or the direction we deserve.

The only true way forward for the majority is either as per post #18 or a rival/breakaway organisation. We are banging our collective heads against a large brick wall at the moment and all that is happening is that we are getting bruised and battered, as that wall is never going to shift under the current structure.
Endlessly suggesting many forms hopeful change is pointless. The ideas and talk, talk, without torque, has gone on for over fifty years and the problem as outlined above has always been the stumbling block. It will and can not change without exact direct action towards the problem.

Forget all the incidental talk and concentrate on the critical problem as has been clearly outlined above. The constitution must be altered. There is no apparent loop hole, but there must be a way through. Secure legal advice as a first step. Stop pissing around. :-)

Cheers, Trevor.