We have run our series 100% on handicaps for 17 out of the last 18 seasons.

I keep an historical record of lap times at each track for each car/driver combination. On race day, race one is never a points race, always a scratch race.

Races 2 & 3 are for series points and are handicaps. My system uses a mix of current times and historical, at a ratio of anything from 5:0 to 0:5. A bit of massaging is often applied if a driver has had it too easy, or had problems, but overall, it works pretty well. Sure, a yellow flag or safety car intervention can stuff it up, as can a driver who has struggled with a misfire and suddenly resolves it.

Needless to say we COULD apply a rule whereby you can't beat your previous best time that weekend by more than a specified %, but why bother? It is chocolate fish racing and if people don't like the structure, or don't drive with respect for the other drivers, then they can play in someone else's sandpit.

In terms of eligibility, it has always been a pragmatically applied Euro 'road' series, which is why we need this race series, as road and race cars don't mix too well.