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Thread: Noise

  1. #61
    World Champion
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    Jul 2011
    The quiet gutteral hiss of the F1's trackside was deeply disappointing - the Shannons historic demonstration was more exciting ( and twice as loud)

  2. #62
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    Quote Originally Posted by GD66 View Post
    True Bill, but you need to put the expert in place yourselves, otherwise THEY will install one which is not what you want.
    There are so many variables in sound measurement that you can really only get a mean average reading anyway, and the installed expert should take these variables into account when making his analyses.
    ((((((((I rather like the idea of the measurement of sound being taken at the perimeter fence, rather than trackside. The dragstrip here in Perth was built into a V in the ground, so that the sound travels upward, rather than cross-country.))))
    Stock car tracks enjoy a similar benefit ( albeit on a smaller scale ) from the spectator embankments and usual 'wall' around the track.

  3. #63
    I was at Melbourne with a fellow TRSer and a mutual friend who tried to have us believe that the new sound of F1 was more "responsible"

    It wasn't great - but as a confirmed tragic, it didn't deter my enjoyment too much - and I will go back for more, possibly even in 12 months time.

  4. #64
    Not about noise but similar, Back on the PC brigade, rumour has it that the drift boys can not go to Pukekohe for final round because ONE, yes ONE neighbour complained about the 'Smoke' so that's that. Bit of a bonus in some ways as they will run at Mt Smart for last champ round and get a crowd closer to city.

    But 'said' neighbour was apparently made pretty good offer, but still would not budge, (for one day the miserable piece of----) this is what is stuffing a lot of things up, ONE arse*^&% stuffs it for hundreds or thousands of others and they get away with it. Its time a stand was made and they were told to pull their head in as they are only ONE.

    Also mutters about track to fast and now dangerous with no run off areas, (concrete walls) so could be a bonus to some car owners as less damage and that's got to be good. So maybe a favour done in some ways by the 'ONE'
    Last edited by Rod Grimwood; 03-19-2014 at 12:43 AM.

  5. #65
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Probably the same person who complained about the noise... The one who inherited his house?

  6. #66
    Journeyman Racer
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    ban lawnmowers - Len Brown should issue one sheep to each household, then we could eat it for Christmas!
    Sheep are very quiet and tasty!

  7. #67
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Or in Remmers, goats, Pukekohe cows as they have more land, then we can swap BBQ invites - but you'd better not create any smoke!

  8. #68
    Journeyman Racer
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    Mmmmm yes smoke and excrement - maybe a lawnmower is less pollution, especially if Loosehead Len issued hand mowers!

  9. #69
    hand mowers - next we will have to race flintstone style and the crowd better not cheer or there will be trouble.
    Mike L

  10. #70
    Quote Originally Posted by 928 View Post
    thank crunch, when will the enquiry results be published. Oh anything I read anywhere or am told is suspect unless proven otherwise.
    still like to see msnz or ANY of the powers that be publish the results of noise tests, or,m the way I think says they did not happen.
    Hi 928, just a follow up.

    As a result of the Pukekohe noise issues, the following has been done by the circuit in conjunction with a "noise consultant" ..(think my 2 year old could do that job!) and with the appropriate council representation. The point of measuring has been moved to the back straight about 50m from the hairpin, and the appropriate number of metres back. There are two alternate positions, but they look as though they are only a few metres apart on the diagram.
    This fits within the current rersource etc. consents for the venue. There was a very lukewarm response to the suggestions of aligning with the NZ Standards suggestions by the parties concerned.
    The above is NOT to be considered an OFFICIAL report from MSNZ, but as an information only personal response

  11. #71
    Hi Crunch,
    thanks for reporting the results.
    It still seems as if motorsport is getting the rough end of the stick. Who am I to complain, just another walk away ex race professional who is concerned about standards that are not being properly applied and no one seems to care.

  12. #72
    just renewing this thread to get the tulloch camaro thread back on track

  13. #73
    It would seem to me that democracy is dead in NZ when a few can stop the pleasure of many by lodging a noise complaint. Someone needs to remind len brown that a lot of rate payers pay good money to watch speedway at the spring and he and his cronies look after a few complaining people who must have bought their up on the hill homes knowing that people raced cars at the springs. prior use should be the starting point for any complaint.
    the same applies to all race tracks in nz. noise should only be measured at the boundary and noted. some tracks in the uk have levels of 106 Db for test days I think Mallory has reopened with a 105Db limit and in nz we have a 95 Db stupidity. come on manz do some thing or get of the pot and let a person who is interested in motorsport try,remember, without motorsport you lot do not have jobs

  14. #74
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    I wonder if this should be approached at government level rather than via local bodies and as you suggest with readings being taken at venue boundary as a 'blanket' rule for all fixed motorsport venues.

  15. #75
    not just motorsport but all venues where the public has paid to attend rugby, concerts, just a couple that come to mind

  16. #76
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    Quote Originally Posted by 928 View Post
    not just motorsport but all venues where the public has paid to attend rugby, concerts, just a couple that come to mind
    Auckland Council noise rules for stadiums, including Western Springs and Eden Park http://unitaryplan.aucklandcouncil.g...howgrounds.pdf

  17. #77
    thanks for that. i will read and digest but at a quick glance things do not look good

  18. #78
    I don't want to be a smart arse but if you apply and are granted a planning permit for the noise level you want to make then there is stuff all people can complain about after the permit is granted.

  19. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by Kwaussie View Post
    I don't want to be a smart arse but if you apply and are granted a planning permit for the noise level you want to make then there is stuff all people can complain about after the permit is granted.
    in NZ or AU? does make a difference

  20. #80
    World Champion ERC's Avatar
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    Agree, people will complain regardless.

    What I can't understand is why it is OK for a club to have music blasting out at 120db - with the doors and windows open so that you can hear/feel the bass reverberating half a kilometre away until 2am or later. Happened to us in Taupo a couple of years ago.

    Race track noise (except Western Springs or Speedway) is usually all over by about 6pm anyway and as most races are about 11 or 12 minutes with tiny grids, (at tier 1 level anyway!), I think any genuine disturbance from the race track, is grossly exaggerated.

    There is a huge difference in being able to hear noise and it interfering with day to day living.

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