Quote Originally Posted by Kevin Hirst View Post
Can somebody please explain the word allcomer to me , When I raced that class many years ago you could build anvthing you wanted iefiat 500 with ford1500cc engines sitting almost beside the driver now you have to have the right gearbox in an escort to enter? god I would be p---d off, having that sort of machine and not allowed to race,
Have to agree with you Kevin, there is such a broad spectrum of cars from thoughout at least four decades of NZ motorsport that it seems crazy to bring in rules like this, especially when most of these cars were built and raced when there were very few rules... even more so when the organisers keep repeating that the cars are the stars and rewards are chocolate fish....but that seems to be the avenue that NZ Motorsport is hell bent on travelling down. All I can say to 4dnut is go south young man- SFOS where they still seem to consider a car on the track is better than one in the shed.... although the times are a changing and influences from up north are trying to spread this trend country wide.