That's cool, I don't mind a spade being named as such - you're meaning grassroots at Highlands?

Their resource consent allows them 16 race days per year - so that's basically 5 events per year by the time you consider a Friday to Sunday event. There is STILL considerable opposition from residents as I understand, all of this information is pretty accessible with a quick Google. So of course if you are running a commercial enterprise then of course you are going to want to make those extremely limited meetings count, in terms of attracting the spectator dollar (which, they have done well the times I have travelled to the 101).

As far as catering to Grassroots motorsport, I think the support events at the 101 have done just that. The Euromarque, plus the 10+1 (at 2014's event) were loaded with club spec type race cars.

Taupo is already allowed to operate in a much extended capacity compared to Highlands, and I just can't see why a potential buyer of the circuit would even consider making administrative changes to the point of driving away your core market...

Of course Nigel is correct, that's copy pasted from their website (with all due respect, not a dig).