There was an article in the Gold Coast paper shortly after his bid for Taupo was turned down stating that he did not understand the mentality of the motor racing fraternity in NZ as he wanted to help racing grow in NZ not kill it. It carried on to say he had no intention of running Taupo like the track in Cromwell as they were two different demographics and Taupo did not have the same use restrictions imposed by the local council.

He mentioned his long term thoughts on pushing to tighten rules in National classes to prevent the crap that is going on with the 2 different V8 Touring car classes for example. Without this type of change, racing will die at a national level he went on to say.
I wish I could find the article as he made a lot of sense.

He wanted to promote grass roots right through to National level but was not interested in the Aussie V8 Taxis. Also mentioned the Aussie Racing Cars which he owns being introduced permanently as a class but wasn't there a similar car designed and built in Taupo many years back or did they die.

Either way it may well be what Hampton needed to get over the finish line that was dreamed of when first thought of.

Talk to the guy when you get the opportunity and ask him what his thoughts and plans are long term for the facility. Don't just assume because of Highlands Park.

I ran into him one day at his "Game Over" Amusement facility here on the Gold Coast and for a multi millionaire he is one of the most down to earth straight shooting people I have ever met but be aware that he will say what he thinks and until you think about what he has said and in what context he may put you on your back foot and make you instantly think , "What a Pr#ck!". That is just the man that he is - no malice just facts and figures. His love of motor racing and especially the GT cars is immediately apparent.