Oh boy. Did I make a huge mistake today. I've never photographed truck racing before so thought I might go down to taupo to watch that plus the Pre 65's and Central Muscle Cars. Sounded like it would be a fun day. Up at 5am and on my way at 6 arriving bang on 8am when racing was supposed to start. Paid my $25 entrance fee plus $10 for a programme then went to race control to sign the photographers waiver. They gave me a map of the circuit with specific instructions on where I could and couldn't stand to take photos. All good so far. I photographed the first couple of races at the s bend leading on to the pit straight. So far so good. The n decided to move down to the end of the pit straight but had to be at least 10 metres past the large sign in accordance with the instructions. Ok, so to make sure I was complying I stood at least 15 to 20 metres past the sign. All of a sudden I became aware of a ute approaching at speed. It stopped right by me and out hopped a bloke telling me "you can't stand here or anywhere along the access road". But I've registered and have been given this piece of paper that says I can. No you can't he says. Race control have said out out out. Apparently Motorsport New Zealand officials have said I can't stand there. Nevermind that I've been standing right there over the last 10 years, nevermind that there's a gap of 20-30 metres to the track, nevermind that there's a tyre barrier and armco, nevermind that I stood right there last week, nevermind that on my way to the track I've passed countless cars and trucks going the other way at closing speeds of 200kph with a gap of less than 3 metres. Well all I can say to the Motorsport NZ twerp in race control is, if you were trying to piss off a member of the paying public, who I might add was playing by the rules set down, you certainly succeeded. I left the track then and there in disgust having only been there a couple of hours. I won't make that mistake again. Anything remotely connected to motorsport NZ will be on my boycott list from now on. No wonder the sport is in such a mess.