Well, that stirred a few folk up eh! I was going to say also that there will come a time, I think, when we wont even NEED a club like the one beowulf has fond memories of. As Bob says, everything is done on line. When I came 'out of retirement' to do a bit of motoracing again, the only reason I joined a MANZ affiliated club was to get my licence again. I told the Club Captain that he wouldn't see me at events, and I think he was a bit disappointed, not because I wouldn't be there, but because I was using the club for a means to an end. I have belonged to all sorts of motoring clubs for years and have done rallies, trials, gymkhanas, etc etc etc and at 72, I'm not about to do them all over again. So a club, FOR ME is not necessary. The little bit of racing I do now can be done quite satisfactorily by just entering the appropriate web site and paying a fee. I meet all my racing mates at the track and thats good, and is all I want. Thats not to say that a club is not beneficial to others. Maybe we have lost our sense of adventure and as 'oldfart' says the drinking laws today have put a bit of a damper on after match functions. I do know that if it wasn't for this forum, and this medium for communication, I would never have have written all the junk I have, if I had to rely on pen and paper and party-line telephones. Bugger, I was really looking forward to a trip to Hawaii, because Yards and Yarns had won 5 gold stars for journalism!!!!!