I entered the motorsport scene in about 1997 so know little about John's racing career, apart from the many stories relayed to me by officials, other competitors and from John himself. The term "bloody legend" seems appropriate.

How I came to know John is by getting involved with ProDrive and becoming a tutor in Southland in about 1999. As part of tutor training I attended a theory lesson where school students were in attendance. What struck me, apart from what I didn't know about car control, was John's ability to capture the attention of the young people and engage them in being safe on the roads. His presentation was somewhat unorthodox, but very effective.

Earlier this year I attended another theory lesson, as I had arrived early for tutoring. John was just the same, 16 years later, the young people just simply connected with him, amazing really.

In recent years I also got to know him as a competitor, as am a CRO, so we had some colourful banter, especially if I had to deliver him some "bad news".

A great competitor he is, a super guy he most certainly is, and what he has done for young driver safety is phenomenal. I certainly hope that the Trustees of ProDrive, or Proactive Drive as it is now, can carry on John’s programme, as it is an amazing programme for road safety.