Yeah, I need Rowan to chime in here, he is the expert on the Aussie raced Monza's. I have a copy somewhere of an Aussie motor racing annual for 1983, and in it is a very short article of a red Monza that had been built to take to the US and that a couple of high profile Aus drivers would race. I thought it was Peter Brock and Alan Jones, though could be wrong about that. Anyway, for some reason the whole deal fell through and the Monza ended up being raced in Aus as a sports sedan. And I believe this is the car the commentators are referring to at the start of the video in post #71, driven here by Mike Imrie.

The Bob Jane/ Bryan Thomson Monza did end up as a Supra Sports Sedan, which I think Des Wall still owns, though I think there is some talk it may be reverted back to the Monza.