Yes, good call Don, and you're right. But lets put this in the context it deserves. We, as car enthusiasts, are used to being served sub-standard quality when it comes to our motorsport movies, and as such, we often tend to lower our expectations, and accept a quality we probably wouldn't accept from any other movie. Afterall, how many of us have managed to endure an entire sitting of Viva Las Vegas just to glimpse the cars? How many of us have copies of Two Lane Blacktop, and somehow convince ourselves its actually not that bad? I'm guilty of all the above.

Almost any non-car enthusiast simply couldn't endure what we readily accept, and sometimes even consider to be pretty good. But we're biased. If its a good story line and quality acting we're after, we don't go looking to the motorsport section of our movie collection, do we.

We're not looking for the same things from a motorsport movie as non-motorsport enthusiasts would. But to that end, I still consider the acting in The Last American Hero to be good, and particularly that of Bridges, and that too of the storyline, for what its worth.

So, when reviewing a car related/motorsport movie, we do so with the view that we're watching it for the racing, not the acting or the story line. And, when reviewing a motorsport movie, we do so from the perspective of a car enthusiast, who knows what other car enthusiasts are looking for in a motorsport movie, and what their expectations of the various non-motorsport scenes are going to be. Lets face it, the people on this forum would more than likely only consider buying The Last American Hero because of the motorsport content included. And as such the movie has to be reviewed from the perspective of a motorsport enthusiast, and the expectations we have. And as a motorsport movie, and it has to be compared to other motorsport movies.

So, to that end, I still consider this a really good (but not great!) movie.