You know, we must be stuffed in the head. Getting all excited about some old heap of junk that we have traced. I caught this bug years ago when I first joined the VCC in it's early days...1955....the year of the Lemans tragedy. In those days there was a lot of old stuff lying under hedges and we used head out into the country in search of some treasure that was rumoured to be able to be saved. Even back then, a lot was wellpast it's useby date......wooden framed bodies dont last long in the open. Of course we were not looking for old race cars because most of them were quite new, but an original Model T, or an Essex, or a Hudson, now they were worth getting excited over. I thought I had got over this nonsense, but no, and those on this thread who have read 'Yards & Yarns' will recall my experiences in 'Jagnet' hunting down old Jaguars. So I suppose it needs oddbods like nicktassie, fastback55, and lots of others who love the detective work necessary to hunt these things down. It seems to be all worth it in the end but sometimes I wonder what we have let ourselves in for. So, fastback55, restore the car to how it was and dont be tempted to 'improve or modify' it to 21st century specifications, or you will have COD problems for sure. My own personal opinion is SO WHAT. Its called continuous development and would have undoubtably gone down that path if it had continued to race. And from one cogger to another......apply for your racing licence soon. With your medical history, wouldn't like you to go to all this trouble and then be told you can't compete!! See my piece in Oldfarts 'getting even older'.