1961 the " 50 " understand that at first it was 50 laps - then 50 miles as the track got longer,
Graham Woods archives
Name:  Motor Racing Renwick #11 1961 Entry List Renwick 50 Graham Woods .jpg
Views: 1524
Size:  101.6 KB

1962 the " 50 " with lap chart.
John Manhire archives from " South Island Motorsport " Facebook page .
Name:  Motor Racing Renwick #9 1962 Renwick 50 lap chart John Manhire.jpg
Views: 1293
Size:  136.9 KB

1963 a selection of the races.
Sports Cars and Specials -
Name:  Motor Racing Renwick #1 1963 Race 2 Sports and Specials Graham Woods.jpg
Views: 866
Size:  100.0 KB

Name:  Motor Racing Renwick #23 1963 Race 3 Allcomer saloon first race Graham Woods.jpg
Views: 1179
Size:  90.7 KB

Saloons again - later Race; Handicap
Name:  Motor Racing Renwick #15 1963 Race 7 Allcomer saloon handicap Graham Woods.jpg
Views: 1268
Size:  98.8 KB

All three from Graham Woods archives.

To follow some from 1966 and the Custaxie as mentioned in the comments