Come on guys.
You are all welcome to bring your historic Sports Sedans to Warwick Queensland on 14th-15th July 2012.
3.1km track.
If you put in your application to CAMS Historic office (Melbourne) you can race under evaluation conditions. Even if it hasn't been approved. Your application MUST be in The CAMS office 6 weeks prior to the event.
The historic Qld race group (HRCCQ) allow a combined grid of Group A / C & U.
We all run together.
Practice available on the friday 13th (approx $80) Entry to the event will be approx $300.
Keep an eye out on the HRCC web site for entry form later in the year.

This event will give you something to aim at or a time frame to finish off that old sports sedan.
Contact me if you what for info.
Gary Goulding