What, like the 40 year old PV date in the VCC? You see, what people forget is that pre1960 saloons are pretty dismal affairs, and I'm sure that is why there was little interest shown when the class was suggested. There are for sure SOME good machines in there, but quite frankly to get any of them up to reasonable 'racing' condition is going to take a lot of work......for what...one meeting a year.
I cant imagine 'racing', because that is what we are talking about here, a 1953 Vauxhall Wyvern, or a 1955 Hillman Californian, or even a Standard Vanguard. Things like the A35, Citroen L15, Peugeot, and a few others are worth considering, but mostly they will be pretty slow, boring to drive, and boring to watch.

There is a danger of course if the class was opened to pre1965, that there MIGHT be an invasion of Minis and Anglias and the like, and I'm not sure whether the VCC want this sort of 'modern stuff ' at their event. Would certainly look out of place at the Roycroft.