Quote Originally Posted by Jim robson/Mark Robson View Post
Hi my name is actually Eli Robson the Grandson of Jim Robson and son of Mark Robson.
As some of you probably realize my grandfather (Jim to most but maybe some knew him as James) was the owner of the Silverdale Hill Climb back when it was all happening.
It was actually my grandfather finding this post of the old property and it was good seeing more of it back when it was in use (I was born regretfully after its closer although we still owned the property). If anyone is interested I have access to numerous pictures of the track and its history (yes Jim is with us still at a young age of 98!) so im more than happy to scan the old pictures and post them along with the accounts of the events and general history of the track. so if you are interested please respond to this post or message me at Eli.Robson@hotmail.com.au.

Also a huge thanks to everyone posting in this thread as it really made all our day to see people are still talking about silverdale still!
Eli, its fantastic to have you on here, thanks so much for taking the time to register. I'd absolutely love to see more photos from the Silverdale Hillclimb. You could either post them on this thread or create a dedicated thread. But they'd be great to see.