Seeing as we have touched on the age thing here with Kenny, we might as well expand on it, as it definately applies to me, and I'm sure it could be a safety issue. I dont know the ages of the drivers around me, but those who have been paying attention on this forum will know that I am 73. Now, I ask you, truthfully, do you really want to be racing, half a hairs breadth away from me, knowing that because of my advancing years, I could have a medical incident? Or, that because I am old,YES OLD, and am a bit cautious, and as Angus is fond of saying, 'wobbling all over the track'. The Guys behind me must feel like giving me a serve up the arse so they can get on with the business of racing. Perhaps we can have a class of 70+ racers, then we can all wobble all over the track together. No seriously, ours is a dangerous sport, lets not make any bones about that, and things go wrong with the most alert minds behind the wheel. Here I am, sitting on the starting line, right foot shaking, left leg getting cramp, squinting through my bifocals to see the lights, having a good cough from all the fumes around me, and sitting in a sauna, and I am expected to go out and do battle with all these hot-shots around me. You tell me that's OK.