I raced a Puke at the weekend for the first time since the "improvements".

The concrete walls were a bit daunting for the first few laps but after that they didn't seem too much of a worry (although you wouldn't want to hit them).

The new chicane on the back straight took a bit of getting use to. In a single seater it is impossible to see the apex of the first right hander - by the time you see it is too late to turn in. We found that the idea was to get on the brakes at a braking marker (with us just past the 100m board) and then pick a line on the track surface to start your turn in. It was actually quite an interesting section of the track and a pleasant change from just blasting down the straight. It did seem to mean that passing opportunities at the hairpin were reduced.

The worst thing was the bumps leading into and through turn one. These are much worse than before and our cars were really getting thrown around - bruises on my legs today where they were thrown against the spaceframe.

Wouldn't like to try it in the wet - a few guys had run in the wet recently and said they would never do it again.

The noise police were there with their dubious decibel readers and sent at least one guy packing off home.