Quote Originally Posted by Jon Mello View Post
Steve, I appreciate the compliments and for showing the link to my Trans-Am forum. I was happy to post my discussion with Ron Ogilvie here and thought this thread would be the most appropriate place for it. I tried to get clarification from Ron on what exactly he meant by saying Terry's car was a plain jane but he didn't elaborate. Rather than pressing the issue at that point, I felt that giving Ron's contact info to Nick and letting Nick ask the question anew was the best approach. Hopefully Nick will learn what exactly the car was to begin with and he will share that with us here. Speaking of "here", you have an outstanding website with much more diverse subject matter than I have and you have done so much with it in a short period of time. I know the effort it takes firsthand and wish you further success. Great job!
Thanks Jon, yes it will be interesting to see what info Nick can gain. Thanks again for posting this interview.