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Thread: Does anyone know what happened to the Barry Wearing 67 Z28 SS Camaro, sold in 74-75

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  1. #11
    Hi Leo

    Thank you for posting those amazing photo's of uncle Terry racing the Camaro today, just fantastic shots, along with what Ellis has shared its amazing that these great images have been unearthed for myself and others to see and enjoy.

    Regarding the Indy Speed Shop/Winston Camaro what I've managed to find out is that it was brought into the country as a road car by the then Indy Speed Shop owner John Kay. John and his crew built and raced the car under the Winston ISS signage, it was also raced I believe at some stage by Peter Finch. The Winston signage was from a cigarette brand of the day, (not a smoker and to young to know) but that's what I've read somewhere, I've checked on the internet and it is a genuine brand.

    I've also confirmed this Camaro was bought by the Jarrett's and run as a Sports Sedan by David in the late 70's at some stage with Shell sponsorship. I haven't confirmed it but from what I've read this car was then rebuilt after a workshop fire, it was then owned and raced by Bob Middleton, and is now owned and raced by Chris Templar still as a sports sedan. There is a great shot of it and Chris on Bob Middleton's race team web page newsletter.

    Ellis sent me some other photo's today of what looks very much like the Indy Speed Shop car #14 in bare blue paint schemes (there are 2 clearly different shades of blue but its the same car), maybe when raced at a later date prior to the Jarrett ownership. Ellis may post these at some stage, close review (model, flares, race wheels, bonnet pins, bonnet scoop, roll cage) seems to point very highly towards all three of these cars being one and the same. Someone else might be able to confirm this.

    I must say this photo of the Indy Seed Shop Camaro was also taken and posted by Ellis, he has some great Australian Motorsport history saved in his personal files.
    Last edited by nick_tassie; 08-22-2011 at 10:54 PM.

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