Quote Originally Posted by seaqnmac27 View Post
Ok now I may be mad but here is my memory. Now I sure one of my peers will correct me, but here goes. My memory says that in 1983 or 84, John Osbournes Capri was completely destroyed in a fire, I do not recall the circumstances but I thought it may have been either in a garage or at a circuit, hows that for narrowing it down, but anyway as a result of said fire, the motor sport fraternity of NZ got behind him to help him replace the Capri I thought he initially was loaned a car not sure which one it was but then the RX7 was the end result. Well thats my memory, not sure how valid it is but there you go. I was also unaware the Capri was the ex Tulloch machine. I had vague memories of both Tulloch and Osbourne being on the grid in Capris. indeed the last picture of post #87 of the Modified 70s and 80s Saloons - Picture Thread has both OSbourne and Tulloch starting the reverse grid race of the 82 Grand Prix weekend Sports Saloons race in Capris.
I think I can fill in a bit but I was only 5. Johns Cologne Capri caught fire at the second ess at Ruapuna after a fuel line came off and burnt to the ground while testing. He later then purchased the Tulloch Capri after initially Inky was going to loan it to him and therefore was probably maybe the only person who ever owned and raced 2 Cologne Capris. After finishing with the Capris he built the RX7 which was the one he had the big crash in at Puke. Hows that?